Tell you all what: older men (over the age of 50), if you happen to fall for one who is not domineering and controlling, can be incredibly romantic, attentive, appreciative, in ways that can make a woman feel great about herself. To those who say "Yuk"? I say that's just your lack of imagination. Older men can be positively kitten-ish - - and if that's what the girl likes, it's a turn-on! Older men are all about *you*, unlike younger men, who are all about *themselves*. Older men are much less likely to cheat on you (it's all they can do to keep up with *you*!). Older men aren't afraid to be affectionate with a woman who loves them.
And you'd be surprised how well they learn new tricks!! (They're very avid). Older men tend to be less judgemental, less abusive, more sympathetic, kinder, more supportive, and capable of the devotion women generally want in a man. And yes; they're still *men*. It might take a little more time, patience, and creativity, but they're definitely still interested - - and will usually be better companions as well.
Different strokes for different folks, and nothing in life is guaranteed to anyone, at any age, so - - might as well give it a shot, if you think there's something good there! Anyone can make another person miserable - - or can make someone ecstatically happy; this is not dependent on age.
Rich is good!! And love with your money is even better!!! But love can hurt, and loved ones can, indeed die. Of course, if you are 18 and your beau is 50, this man will predecease you (given natural causes). His money, on the other hand, will always be there to take care of you, if you're smart.
But when you are left a wealthy young widow, you will have worse problems than the indecision you feel now, if by then you've decided you want a man your own age. Then you'll be contending with all the fortune-seekers, who will prey on you. However - - if you maintain your penchant for significantly older men, there will be less of that, I think.
Lucky there's financial security involved; this man is probably going to need care and assistance, at some point, and it will be a lot more romantic if you aren't his sole caretaker, and will have some help.
If you want a family, it is pertinent to note that an half century-year-old is not necessarily going to be the most fertile man in the world. There are other options, of course, these days, and with money anything is possible. Do be prepared, though.
That being said, you should check out the story of the love affair between the very elderly Charlie Chaplin and 18-year-old Oona O'Neill.
If this is not a joke, you must have a very special soul.
Thank you Sophia. After all we've talked about on this subject, I feel some level of redemption. I believe when a woman or even a man marries either older or the same age group, there are going to be pros and cons. It's up the both individuals to know and understand these pros and cons and determine if compatibility exists between them. Like anything else in life, there are good and bad aspects. Both people need to weigh the pros and cons to determine what they can live with and what they can't live without. It's almost like a contract. If they are in love regardless of age, they need to determine what they can agree on. The heart and what it feels more than outweighs the difference in age, because if you think of it in these terms, it would mean the heart has already chosen and the mind doesn't know it. You've said it yourself. Follow your instincts. The heart is a major player in those instincts. Thank you for this article. That just sent you to the top of my list of favorite people to ever now. It will take an act of God to remove you from the top of that list. Keep blogging. You are wonderful at this. This is your calling. Apply your psychology training and you can write a book on your blogs alone. Personally, I think you should. You have plenty of information to work with. Talk to you later and thanx again.