Ye Mere Deewanapan Hai I Sophia Abella

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Do You Judge Other People's Appearance?

Do you judge other people's appearance?

Okay. Suppose you were walking down the street and you saw a girl dressed in a weird way, will you glance back and criticize her – either silently or saying the words “Her dress is weird; she should have worn something better!”? C’mon, be honest. I am sure most of us have seen someone dressed in a not normal way during ordinary days… and some of us may have judged her negatively, am I right?

We may admit it or not, there are many times in our lives when we judge other people – from criticizing their lives, clothes, pronunciation, physical appearance, etc. Some of us may have done it all at once or twice, behind some reasons. Some of us criticize and condemn other people. Sometimes, we gladly find or expose another person's faults and mistakes. Some people tear other people down - sometimes in front of them, but in most times, behind their backs. It may be fun for some, but not for the victim.

Why do people judge other people? Is it because of pride? Or is it your excuse so your own faults will not be noticed?

Just a thought needing your opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Not really. When you live in Seattle, everybody dresses differently. Some to the extreme of their beliefs. There used to be a lot of Goth folks, but they have subsided somewhat. In the eight years I worked at in downtown Seattle, I saw what I thought was the most varied amount of ways to dress and I know I hadn't seen it all. had a policy you could come to work dressed any way you wanted as long as you wore clothes. No birthday suits. They were very lenient. So I saw a lot. Did I criticize them. That would be "no" because I am a realist and I know they probably thought I dressed funny too, so it was a two way street. Besides, it's not the way I am. When I walk down the street to go to eat or whatever, if I make eye contact with what would be defined as a strangely dressed man or woman, we both would smile and nod or say good morning/afternoon. We're all human. We're all on the same side. You may know the history of the US when Thomas Jefferson (who became the third president) was the first to own black slaves. It became a trend, then Abe Lincoln signed the proclamation during our civil war in 1868 to free the slaves. Even today we have radicals trying to remove them from this country. Transgenders and gays are popping up all over the world. Some states, and hopefully all very soon will accept same sex marriages because there is nothing wrong with it. But you will still have those filled with hatred who will try to take them out. The freedom to dress the way you want is just another chapter in how the US is changing, as I'm sure other countries are too. There will always be those who will hate it because I believe they hate change and can't accept the fact that we have blacks, gays, goth and people who dress differently then they do. If we are ever going to have peace on earth, we all have to understand how to accept people for who they are. We're all on the same planet. We're all human. Is it going to take something more drastic than 9/11 to bring us all together again against a common enemy? Unfortunately, it won't last and people will go back to their old ways when things calm down. It's human nature and it is sad.

