Ye Mere Deewanapan Hai I Sophia Abella

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Character and Attitude

I am extremely sure of my sexuality and what I want out of life withregard to love: It has to be a man, and an open-minded one at thatbecause if I am with a man a serious with humor and for thesexual intimacy that has become a primal part of my psyche. I cannotget aroused by pussy. This is to say that I don’t like women; Iadore women because I am one, if anything it has freed me to love them for the wonderful gender they are, and to truly appreciate them untainted by being one. The interesting thing is because I am so much more appreciative of them, they in turn find me far more attractive than ever, and cannotunderstand why I can't I be one of them. But I think you understand why Ichoose to act more than them, acts, words, gestures, character and reputation.It has been difficult. I have always believed if you are scrupulouslyhonest and dignified then you cannot be hurt. This is not always thecase. If persons choose to despise you because of your sexual choices,then they hurt you not with the truth but with their perceptions andlies and gossip.

In that time I have had some good/bad relationships, 4 long term ones, andyet I am still single. Why? I put it down to compatibility. I need intellectual stimulation and a high regard and respect for my partner.While I would never degrade any of my ex partners intelligence, thereis a difference between being smart and being educated, and I desperately need to communicate on a level above the sexual at times….

I have modeled here locally, and have quotes. I was very much the“woman” with character before finding my true search for a serious man. I had 4 l0vers, but didn't work and am well versed in the art of pleasure. I have understood for the longest time that sex is like Christmas: it’s bygiving that we receive. I am highly sexual and sensual and can enjoy the most sensual and romantic lovemaking, or the wildest most uninhibited extreme sex: what I wish is to find a partner who also hassuch a broad based sexuality, and better, the intelligence to understand when is the right time to effortlessly segue from one to theother….I want a lover whom I am desperate to excite and delight, onewhom I can drain all her juices ecstatically, while he is similarly involved with me. I want someone who I respect and adore, but wouldalso eagerly rim in the nightclub toilet if it so pleased us to doso…But there is so much more. One whom reads the newspapers (other than“people”) and doesn’t think that the 5th gospel of the Bible was writtenby Oprah….One who has an incisive wit, and mostly, one who has business sense and common sense, whom I can talk over decisions, and who isintellectually, spiritually and directionally a true equal.

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