Ye Mere Deewanapan Hai I Sophia Abella

Monday, November 16, 2009

A Vivid Nightmare/Dream: the Convention

I am glad that i spent the night over at Danny's gay friend last night - even if he is out of town - because I can write this while it is fresh in my mind. This was what I dreamed:

I was ushered into a room by a figure dressed in a white hooded robe. I could not tell if the figure was a young or an old male, even when it spoke to me and told me to get undressed.

As I undressed I could hear someone talking over loudspeakers saying things like "Registered is now at 20,000" "There are cunts to be used in the Grand Ballroom" "Masters, please bring your Rape-toys to examination room before allowing them to..." Registration is now at 25,000"

When I was the figure in White reached out a hand and began running a hard, heavy hand on my cunt and then said, "There are only 2,000 Bald men here so far. You only have to take each and every one of their raping you with their sacred cocks 25 times, and then you can leave".

Then I woke up.

OMG, now I am so horny.

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