Ye Mere Deewanapan Hai I Sophia Abella

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Am I under some curse?

I am 28 years old, fair, tall and smooth, and I have had men tell me I am attractive.The thing I can’t understand is that why is it that all the unattractive men are the ones chasing me? I usually attract men that are either black, overweight, or just ugly in general.We’re not talking being friendly, they try to get my phone number, they follow me, want to go out with me, etc. etc. etc.

Why can’t I have boys that are normal weight, white, and are attractive chase me? I would really love to have the handsome ones chase me at least once in a while, I just cant understand why I am a magnet to men I don’t like?I’m not racist against blacks, and I’m not shallow towards overweight or ugly men, I just don’t see why it’s the same damn thing over and over. I do not want a model, I just want someone like me, someone that I am attracted to.

It’s just the same damn thing over and over. If it’s not some black guy, it’s a fat guy, if it’s not a fat guy, it’s some hunk with some freaky face. And it just keeps repeating over and over.Wanting someone that matches my standards isn’t a high standard. I see guys always holding hands with beautiful women everyday….. *shakes head*

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